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        充氣箱是水泥工業氣動均化裝置,用于庫內喂送或攪拌粉狀物料的設備。適用于各種規格形式的生料庫,儲存庫,混合式均化庫,其形狀分為矩形、直角梯形、等腰梯形及特殊形 式充氣箱四大類。并具有結構簡單、性能可靠、無噪音、易維修、攪拌均勻等優點,被廣泛 用于水泥行業,是水泥、生料儲存攪拌生產工藝不可缺少的設備。
        Aerating case is a pneumatic homogenized device in cement industry. It is used to convey material or pneumatic mixing powder material and all kinds of raw material silo, storage silo, mixing and homogenized silo. The shape has rectangle, right angle trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid and other special shapes etc. It is characterized by simple structure, dependable capacity, no noise, easy maintenance and even mixing etc. It is an important aerating equipment of raw material homogenization in cement and raw material storage.


         2、透氣性能-小于3m3/m2 ?min;
        3、風壓-小于4Kg/cm2 ;
I.Technical capacity
        1.Mixing material——Dry and powder material, Allowable surface area<1%;
        2.Ventilating capacity <3m3/m2 min;
        3.Wind pressure<4Kg/cm2;
        4.Resistance of ventilated layer<1200Pa;
        5.Ventilated material-Synthetic fibre and terylene ventilated layer.

        充氣箱在庫內排列時,原則上要求實際排列面積占總面積的比例越大越好,攪拌庫和混 合式均化庫中心區(攪拌區),對這點要求更為重要,現提供A、B、C、D、E、F六種基本排 列形式供選用。
        A型和B型排列(見圖1、圖2)適用于<l> 12m以下的水泥或生料混合式均化庫,環形區充氣 箱向中心區傾斜安裝,中心區充氣箱水平安裝。
        C型排列(見圖3)適用于12m以上水泥或生料混合式均化庫,環形區充氣箱向中心區傾 斜安裝,中心區充氣箱水平安裝。
II.Arrangement, shape and installation
        When aerating case is arranged, fact arrangement covers total area in principle which is the bigger and better. It is important for mixing silo and the center zone of mixture homogenized silo. Now supply six types of A, B, C, D, E and F for your selection.
        Type A and type B arrangement(Figure 1 and figure 2) applies below 012m cement or raw mate?rial mixture homogenized silo. Circular aerating case is installed and inclined to the center. Aerating case of central zone is installed in horizontal.
        Type C arrangement(Figure 3) applies above 012m cement or raw material mixing homogenized silo. Circular aerating case is installed and inclined to the center zone. Aerating case of central zone is installed horizontally.

D型充氣箱排列(見圖4)適用于各種規格的水泥或生料儲存庫,環形區充氣箱向中心區傾 斜安裝,中心區充氣箱水平安裝,但中心區較小。
E型排列(見圖5)適用于各種規格的水泥或生料儲存庫和攪拌庫,環形區充氣箱向中心區 傾斜安裝,中心區充氣箱水平安裝。
六種基本排列各有其優缺點及適用范圍,設計和使用部門可按實際情況進行選用,充氣 箱的分區數量可按實際情況進行,但必須符合四區、六區、八區、十二區的規定。
         Type D arrangement (Figure 4) applies all kinds of specifications cement or raw material storage silo. Circular aerating case is installed and inclined to the center zone. Aerating case of central zone is installed horizontally, but center zone is smaller.
Type E arrangement (Figure 5) applies all kinds of specifications cement or raw material storage and mixing silo. Circular aerating case is installed and inclined to the center zone. Central aerating case is installed horizontally.
Type F arrangement (Figure 6) applies all kinds of specification cement or raw material silo. All aerat-ing case is installed horizontally.
Six arrangements have themselves shortcomings, advantages and applied range. The design and used department can select according to the fact condition. The divided zones of aerating case may go on according to the fact condition. But it should comply with the regulations of 4 zones, 6 zones, 8 zones and 12 zones.

Notes for order
Note the specifications of homogenized silo, outline size of aerating case or supply sketch of bottom silo arrangement. Design and manufacture them for the user especially.

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